Nuu Qunnamaa    +251-11-371-73 31                               

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    ATSTO raawwii hojii kurmaana 2ffaa kaafewaan saayinsii Bulchiinsa
    magaalotaa waliin Magaalaa bishoofftutii gamaaggamaa jira
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    Sagantaa Walhubannoo hojii waliin hojjachuu ATSTO ,
    WDMSH fi MMDWSSH walii mallatteessuu
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    Agarsiisni Tekinoloojii fi Kalaqa Kaaffee Saayinsii
    giddu gala Kaaffee Saayinsii Adaamaatti baname.
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    Conformity Assessment activities testing inspection and certification
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    Daayirektoreetiin Qabeenya kalaqa Sammuu
    Abbaa Taayitichaa giddu gala dandeetti kalaqaa
    fi leenjii Magaalaa Buraayyuutti hundeeffame
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    Pirojektii deggarsa sheedii harka-qalleeyyii
    kutaa 6(jaha)qabu eebbifame
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    Sagantaan agarsiisaa hojii kalaqaalee naannoo Oromiyaa
    Galmaa Giddugalaa aadaa Oromootti gaggeeffamaa jira

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Quality Infrastructure (QI)

The objective of a business organization is to create goods to satisfy customers’ needs at a profit. To satisfy these needs, the product, process or service must necessarily provide certain quality features and characteristics as defined by the customers. This is realized when access to demand-oriented quality infrastructure service is ensured. Quality infrastructure is a collective term encompassing standards, conformity assessment, technical regulations, metrology and accreditation. The aim of these elements is to support producers and service providers in delivering the quality expected by domestic and foreign customers.
Maintaining uniformity and consistency among the different iterations of a particular good or service available on the market enhances fair trade, health, safety, protection of life and the environment. This is realized when there is an agreed document that details expectations and procedures for goods, services, products and their production processes for a common and repeated use. This document is known as standard. As a documentary point of reference approved by a recognized body, a standard describes agreed characteristics or technical requirements for products, processes or services in the form of rules, guidelines or definitions. Standards facilitate evaluating the degree to which expectations are met to facilitate market success.

The accuracy level of measuring instruments affects our decisions in production and research. Accurate measurements bring positive impact on our economy, health, safety and general well-being. The science of exact measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology is known as metrology. Metrology is mainly concerned with establishing the units of measurements, ensuring the uniformity of measurements, developing methods of measurement, errors of measurement, accuracy of measuring instruments and theircare.


                    Daariktoreetii Bu’uuraalee qulqullinaa


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  • Fax:-+251-11-371 73 22
  • Postaa:-
  • Ethiopia, Oromia
Soshaal Midiiya

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